Just when I decide that I think I like Pepsi more than Coca-cola they go and ruin their packaging. Now I don't want to be seen drinking it. Coca-cola cans were always cooler but now the pepsi cans look like a supermarket own brand. I'm not impressed atall. Good job I am cutting down on my cola intake.

I can kind of see what they were trying to do. Be minimalist. Coca cola cans are very simple. But the coca-cola logo is kitsch and classic and curvacious- it's interesting on its own. This new Pespsi logo is so timid and weak. It's got no energy or oomph. It doesn't say sugary, sweet, energised, fun, fizzy drink to me like the previous branding. It doesn't say much atall!
Coke has always positioned itself as 'classic' and Pepsi as more contemporary and hip, changing with the times to keep up with the kids but now I think it's gone backwards. Perhaps not backwards enough though. If only the cans looked like these classic beauties, I would be reaching for a can right now, if only to have it sat on my desk for a while to admire. You could say this branding is minimalistic and simple like the new branding so what's so much better about it? but these just have more impact, confidence and personality.
Personally, I think they should have saved a few milion dollars and gone back to this classic branding.