I was watching a documentary the other day about the record label Factory Records and it was really interesting, particularly when they talked about the design side of things. They talked about a poster design that has become somewhat iconic and I remembered that I had recently seen a rip off of the poster on a flyer for a local nightclub.

It's amazing that a poster that such a simple poster design is still being copied 30 years later.
Factory Records was a Manchester based british independant record label and they used a creative team; most notably record producer Martin Hannett and graphic designer Peter Saville, which gave the label and their artists, a particular sound and image. Peter Saville is responsible for designing the famous Factory 1 poster and he said he got the idea from a safety sign in a factory that he would wak past everyday at work. With the club being called factory he thought it was relevant so he decided to use it. He had no expreience is designing club promotion posters but designed probably the most famous poster for a club event ever.
The original design still looks modern now.

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